Thursday, July 8, 2010


More pictures of our new apartment on my personal blog - Emmadimes!

Thoughts from my day:
1. I got a flat tire tonight... super far from home - why is there so much glass in the streets here? I did walk in the door to a yummy dinner cooked by Mr. Bubba though. That helped :)
2. I need a friend that's a girl.
3. I am nervous about finding a job in San Fran.... I know what I want to do, it's just a matter of making it happen.

** I came across a quote that made me feel good: " The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses, no one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it's an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day that your life really begins" - Bob Moawad

...Cheesy I know but I am needing some major uplifting lately :) Cheers to jumping into new chapters of your life blindly but anxious!


  1. Hi; How are you doing? Do you have any company right now? Golly, I wish I could have made it over there, but after my trip to Spain I'm done with Europe right now. I started a blog about my trip. It's

  2. I needed that quote as well- thank you! :)
